Children's Institute of Cultural
Appreciation and Understanding

Children's Institute of Cultural
Appreciation and Understanding

Our Children, Their Future

It has been said time and time again that children are the future and that any significant change must start with them. By creating a space where a child is presented with a vast array of cultural experiences, we can produce results that deliver a long-term change of acceptance and appreciation. Through this approach we strive to increase cultural education and enhance children’s understanding of cultural diversity.The start of this change, however, must begin with an introduction.

CICAU helps provide children with cultural exposure to the connected world that we live in today by:

  • Advocating cultural competence, acknowledgment, and acceptance.
  • Driving children’s inherent compassion and curiosity for learning and understanding other cultures.
  • Helping children increase their social and emotional awareness of cultural issues.
  • Developing and implementing culture diversity programs for children.

Teaching children cultural appreciation and inclusion through entertaining, immersive, age-appropriate training programs and e-learning tools.

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5457 Twin Knolls Road, Suite 300, Columbia, MD 21045